February diary from Cornwall

As the gusty wind courtesy of Storm Eunice blows wails through the workshop, we have retreated inside and currently writing this entry fireside. February in our little corner of the world is almost at an end and March is on the way. The only visual inkling we have that spring is just around the bend is the sprouting of snowdrops and daffodils lining the verges and framing our farmhouse with bursts of friendly yellow trumpets, as skies remain moody and grey. 

It’s not our favourite time of the year but there is light at the end of the stormy tunnel as spring bounces in with all the hopes and brightness of a new year. Soon, the fields that surround us will be filled with baby lambs and calves, braying and wailing in equal measure. Evenings are lighter, days are milder and we take solace in the garden, warm in nature’s embrace. Up in the workshop we’re busy with new projects and crafting our very own interiors as we continue to work on the construction and conversion of the farm’s barns. 

Hunkering down and planning for a busy few months always feels rewarding. Planning out designs and investigating new materials gives us a new lease of life creatively, whilst periodically getting out and exploring new corners of our Cornish home gives us constant inspiration. 

With love,

James and Burr & Knot team


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